
This was an animangle challenge but someone pointed out that it’s not a hell of lot different from cat/squirrel. So I’ll leave this here anyway.

I got an entry from @BHLC before I changed my mind:

Animangle Challenge: Self-portraits

This time I’m offering a prize of an animangle portrait for one lucky entrant. Winner will be chosen by my two year old daughter by some random means probably involving building blocks with numbers on them.

We’ll go for a freeform jazz style for this challenge. I want you to take a picture of yourself and blend it with a beast of your choice. Put your features on a creature. Here’s one I prepared earlier:

As usual tweet your unholy hybrids to me @quebectango using the hashtag #animanglechallenge or if you don’t go in for that sort of twittery-japery then email them to myfeaturesonacreature@q-target.co.uk

Entries will appear below.

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Finchihuahua: Animangling in action

From time to time, I get asked how I do these things. The short answer is “each one is different” but a quick and dirty animangle doesn’t take long and isn’t overly tricky. So, here’s a pretty crap animangle (by my exacting standards  – it’s pretty low resolution compared to my usual stuff) to start with. The Finchihuahua:

and here is a 42 second youtube thingymabob sort of showing how it was made while not actually telling you a damned thing about how it was made:


Animangle Challenge: Dog/Rabbit

Have a go at making a dog/rabbit like this little buniel here (you may recognise the rabbit as the one from my twitter avi and the “What am I?” section of this site):

Tweet your creatures @quebectango using the #animanglechallenge hashtag or email them to animanglechallenge4@q-target.co.uk and I’ll add them below. If you’ve never tried this sort of thing before, have a go anyway, the results are always funny.
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